Monday, October 31, 2005


This was taken during halftime of NSU's final home game of the year. This is a shot of trombonist Aaron Hollon
Date Taken: October 29, 2005
Lens Aperture: F8
Shutter Speed: 1/500
Focal Length: 195mm
ISO Speed: 200
Flash: No Posted by Picasa


My friends Bryan and Michelle got engaged after the football game on Saturday. I had to scramble to get my camera out of the bag and put together when I figured out what was going on.
Date Taken: October 29, 2005
Lens Aperture: F4.5
Shutter Speed: 1/60
Focal Length: 38mm
ISO Speed: 800
Flash: No
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Thursday, October 06, 2005


Out of the 600 pictures I took this weekend, this is one of my favorites. During PreGame, Bullet & the Spirit Rider run through the center of the OSU Band. I was lucky enough to be on the back sideline as they made their way back off the field.
Date Taken: October 1, 2005
Lens Aperture: F10
Shutter Speed: 1/250
Focal Length: 28mm
ISO Speed: 200
Flash: No
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the Music Police

How often do you see a cop playing the saxophone? At the OSU 100 Years of Bands Celebration/Alumni Band Day I saw him come in during rehearsal, but was on the wrong side of the field. I made sure that at halftime I could get a good picture of him.
Date Taken: October 1, 2005
Lens Aperture: F6.3
Shutter Speed: 1/250
Focal Length: 140mm
ISO Speed: 200
Flash: No
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Composite Directors

This is another one from OSU's 100 Years of Bands Celebration. Many of the former direfctors came back for the celebration and were introduced at halftime. I could not get all of them in one shot, so this is actually a composite of three pictures.
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